Saturday, August 9, 2014


aR: Check Steve Spangler Youtube Channel.

About Steve Spangler Science website: "It took 12 years for us to finally figure out what we do here at Steve Spangler Science. For many years, we thought that we were in the business of selling science supplies, kits, gizmos, and twirling things that made weird noises. We recently made a discovery that changed our entire way of thinking.

While exhibiting at a recent conference in Houston, a teacher walked up to the booth and said, "Thanks for teaching me how to be AMAZING! Your products have inspired me to do more science this year with my kids and they think that I'm amazing. You've changed the way I teach. Thanks." After the shock wore off, it hit us like a ton of bricks. This teacher captured the essence of what we do at Steve Spangler Science. We teach people to be amazing by providing them with products and innovations that are educational, entertaining, and inspire the imagination.
Welcome to our on-line catalog filled with hundreds of products that teach you to be amazing."

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